Tax Incentives for Restructuring reproduced

Tax Incentives for Restructuring reproduced, The government encourages companies, both "Badan Usaha Milik Negara" or BUMN and private sector to restructure because of various tax incentives already waiting. Companies restructure at least will get relief of "Pajak Penghasilan" or PPh using the asset book value is much lower than the market value of similar assets.

Head of Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxation South Jakarta, Syarifuddin Alsjah revealed that in Jakarta, while speaking in a Discussion Forum Focused on the Urgency Policy Options Toward Holding BUMN "Perkebunan" Profitisasi and Increased Competitiveness.

According to Syarifuddin, the government did not differentiate the status of a company, so that taxation and tax incentives will be as well to state and private companies. On that basis, incentives to companies that perform restruktisasi with intent to do business efficiency will get some benefits.

First, if the restructuring was done with the stock transfer tax consequences will be very minimal because there is no transfer of assets. Second, if the restructuring is done by transfer of assets, the company is obliged to revaluation or reassessment of the assets will be transferred due to additional source of revenue for the combined company later.

However, for companies that go public or go to the capital markets, the Directorate General of Taxation to give relief in the form of imposition of the "Pajak Penghasilan" (PPh) on the basis of book value of assets. This will cause the tax bills will be lower.

"Once that's done, we also provide incentives in the form of imposition of final PPh rates by 10 percent for all companies to restructure," said Syarifuddin.

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